At some point, everyone needs a lawyer at one time or another. Sometimes, you’ve benefited from their services and didn’t even realize it. Remember when you closed on your mortgage? Well at some point an attorney on staff at the bank or title company reviewed the closing paperwork. And, unfortunately, if a loved one has passed away you may have benefited from an attorney who helped that person draw up a will, or papers to transfer assets to your name. Denver Bail Bonds work the same way for people who utilize them. If you get arrested, you may have to post bail at the Denver County jail. But you also may decide to use your phone call for an attorney, pleading to get you out. That’s not necessarily what a lawyer does, so he’ll say “Sit tight” and call a bondsman to do the rest.
A bail bondsman and attorney have a symbiotic relationship in many respects, needing each other for professional support. If you’re an attorney, what can a bondsman working with bail bonds in Aurora do for you? Here’s just a sample.
Roles of a Bail Bondsman
- A successful, reputable and well liked bail bondsman can boost your professional standing, because any referrals you make are a reflection on your skills and professional judgment. If an attorney recommends a bail bondsman who can’t do the job, doesn’t know the ins and outs of bail bonds in Boulder, or does a crappy job, that’s a direct and poor reflection on your judgment. Any defendant will question your judgment and choose someone else.
- An experienced bondsman can provide a number of extra services that you may not have the time or skills to handle: Being present for court appearances for bail and 1275 hearings, 24 hour emergency service like odd-hour phone calls, signature bonds that don’t require a signature, arranging payment plans for the defendant, and even providing transportation to and from home or other locations.
- An attorney should be working with a competent bail bondsman who has the ability and experience to work with and finalize large bail bonds. In most cases, large bail bond approvals of $250,000 or more are difficult, and an inexperienced bondsman may find other demands placed on clients as a result, like additional collateral or co-signers.
- Post bail bonds 24/7 every day of the year, including holidays.
- Be available if a defendant surrenders.
Roles of an Attorney
As an attorney, think of a bail bondsman as another form of professional insurance. You’re happy to have it when needed.
On the flip side, an attorney can do things that a bail bondsman can’t:
- Work the legal system to your benefit. An experienced and reputable attorney knows the legal system much better, particularly when it comes to understanding how the law works, how a particular judge may rule based on similar cases, what to expect in potential sentencing for the crime you’re accused of if convinced, and so on.
- Help secure extremely large bail amounts, or arrange for financing.
- Help you prepare for a trial.
- Arrange to view evidence, visit a crime scene, talk to witnesses.
- Hire and bring forth other experts who may assist in your defense.
- Provide legal counsel to the defendant’s family or guardian.
Finally, a lawyer can answer questions from the media. This may seem unlikely, but with the Internet, more and more “reporters” are taking interest in police blotters and small scale cases than ever before. If a defendant has been involved in something even mildly newsworthy, an attorney can deflect some attention.
Not only is it important to know what they do its equally important to know what questions to ask when you sit down to talk with them.
Questions to Ask a Defense Attorney
For someone who’s been arrested, there’s more to navigating the Colorado judicial system than understanding how Denver Bail Bonds work. Knowing what to expect when arrested, what time spent is like in the Denver city jail, and how the judicial system itself works can be extremely intimidating.
Most people don’t have the expertise for all of these things, in which case talking with a defense attorney may be a good thing. Unless a defendant has hired a private attorney, the court will provide a public defender to help the accused understand the legal system and how bail bonds in Denver Colorado work. But whether a public defender has been provided, or the accused hires one, a number of questions should be asked up front.
- How long have you been practicing in Colorado or this particular jurisdiction? Never underestimate the importance of an attorney’s experience working with the local court where your case will be heard. An experienced lawyer who may be familiar with the judge, magistrate, and crime for which a defendant has been accused is very important when thinking of hiring someone.
- How many cases involving charges like mine have you handled? Defense attorneys are not all created equal. Some are more competant in the nuances of corporate law, defending small and large companies when sued for criminal negligence or some other offense. Some deal exclusively with homicide cases, which others have experience handling cases where a defendant has been arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. If you’ve been arrested for breaking into a store, it may not be a good idea to hire an attorney fresh out of college who specializes in intellectual property rights.
- How would you analyze my case? Even when meeting a potential defense attorney for the first time, it’s not too early to talk about the circumstances of your arrest and other details. This will give a lawyer the chance to formulate a high level defense strategy, and discuss that with you in some detail. If a lawyer can’t provide an initial impression of what you can expect in court based on what he or she has been told, then it’s time to look around for other legal expertise.
- What’s your fee? This is a very important question to ask. Some attorneys charge an hourly rate, while others charge a flat fee. In either case, don’t be hesitant to ask for specifics. At this point, it’s reasonable to ask how the attorney expects to be paid, such as all at once, in installments, or after the case has been settled. Also ask if there are other fees or expenses you’ll be expected to pay for.
- Will anyone else be working on my case? Many well known and experienced defense lawyers have partners or other staff who work on their behalf, especially for smaller cases. Ask specifically if the lawyer will be working on your case and if not, why? What other attorney will be working your case? What is his or her experience with these sorts of cases? Unfortunately, many defense attorneys are just a “face,” relying on junior attorneys or partners to do all the leg work and heavy lifting for them. You want someone you can trust, who’ll be there from start to finish.
- Is our initial consultation free? For expenses and fees, a defendant needs to know up front if he or she is being charged the minute the lawyer starts talking.
A bail bondsman Denver can provide many useful services, but legal questions should always be reserved for a lawyer.